Lahore Herald
1 min readJul 21, 2021

Alicia Vikander delivers Tomb Raider 2 updates

Alicia Vikander has disclosed the status of ‘Tomb Raider 2‘. The 32-year-old actress Alicia Vikander, who played Lara Croft in the original 2018 video game adaption, acknowledged that while the epidemic has put a halt to preparations for the yet-to-be “greenlit” sequel, writer and director Misha Green has been hard at work on the screenplay.

When asked if the film was still in the works, she told Collider, “Pre-COVID, I would’ve answered absolutely.” And I still think it’s a yes.

The picture was supposed to be released in March 2021, but production was pushed back, and Vikander stated that the writer just recently began working on it.

“It’s quite recent, she continued. Only today does the world back up and running the script, and Misha is on board and is currently working on it.

‘The Glorias’ actor went on to remark: “‘Oh, you don’t want to make her sexy?’ people say. No, I want to create a young lady who is attractive but also tough, cool, clever, and hilarious.

Published in Lahore Herald #AliciaVikander, #AliciaVikanderTomRaider2, #Entertainment, #Hollywood, #TomRaider2, #TombRaider2 Published in Lahore Herald

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