Lahore Herald
2 min readSep 26, 2021


Angry Raven attacked a Google drone delivering coffee

A raven took offence to drones flying through its area in the Canberra suburb of Harrison. And has seen on video swooping down on the delivery device and stealing its food.
The ingenious and game-changing delivery system developed by an Australian business owner has greeted with an odd issue — an angry bird. A raven attacked a Google drone that was delivering a package to a caffeine-craving man’s house. Just nearly knocking the gadget out of the air and leaving the customer stunned and disoriented. A video of the incident has now gone viral on social media, capturing the attention of millions.

A raven took offence to drones flying through its area in the Canberra suburb of Harrison. And has seen on video swooping down on the delivery device and stealing its food. Ben Roberts, who was waiting for his cup of coffee, has startled to discover that the Google drone has attacked by an angry raven. Which was pecking furiously at the gadget in an attempt to bring it down.

In an article published by the Herald Sun, it has stated that the drones have flown by Wing. A programme conducted in conjunction with Google that delivers minor items such as food, medicine, and coffee to customers. The vehicle fought to maintain its altitude while under attack by the big bird. Finally, the drone was able to fix its position and deliver the object, which has tethered to a rope, to Roberts’ location.

Having demonstrated their devotion to environmental causes, the corporation notified the customer that ornithologists would be sent in to conduct an investigation into the occurrence.

The Company Grounded it’s Drone Delivery Service

It should noted, however, that this was not an unique incident. Large ravens have come dangerously close to bringing down at least two such aerial devices in the area in recent days.

According to the report. Following the attacks, the company has compelled to halt its drone operations. In order to protect both the birds and its own gadgets, according to the report’s sources.

It has been reported that the fight for aerial domination has been sparked by the fact that nesting season has coincided with an increase in demand for drone deliveries during Canberra’s pandemic-induced lockdown.

According to ornithologist Neil Hermes, “attacking drones is new” for ravens. Although they have known to attack anything if they believe it is a threat to their nests. If you interviewed the birds now, I believe you would discover that they were confident in their victory,” Herman said.

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Published in Lahore Herald #BirdsAttackedDrones, #BirdsAttackedGoogleDrones, #GoogleDrones, #RavenAttackedGoogleDrone Published in Lahore Herald



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