Lahore Herald
Aug 3, 2021

Asim Bajwa resigns as Chairman of the CPEC Authority

Asim Saleem Bajwa, Lieutenant General (renewed), resigned on Tuesday when he thanked government and Prime Minister Imran Khan for his support, he resigned as head of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

“I bow my head to Allah Almighty to give me a chance to establish the major CPEC institution and pave the way for all CPEC projects,” He said.

Bajwa said he wished the best to the CPEC Prime Minister’s special assistant Khalid Mansoor who succeeded him.

He said that Mansoor was well qualified to move the CPEC forward. “CPEC is lifeblood for Pakistan; it would make us smooth and progressive.”

Back in November 2019, Bajwa was named Chairman of CPEC, and then PM Imran Khan nominated him as his Information and Broadcasting Expecial Assistant in April 2020.

Published in Lahore Herald #AsimBajwaResigned, #AsimSaleemBajwa, #CPEC, #CPECNewChairmen Published in Lahore Herald

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