Lahore Herald
2 min readSep 11, 2021

Facebook allegedly cheated to misinformation researchers

As reported by the Lahore Herald reporter, Facebook has issued an apology to misinformation researchers. Facebook was supplying them with inaccurate and incomplete data for their study. The study about how people engage with posts and links on the social media site. Facebook allegedly cheated to misinformation researchers. The data Facebook supplied to the researchers, in contrast to what the corporation informed them. It appears to have included information on just around half of its users in the United States, rather than all of them.

According to a report, representatives of Facebook’s Open Research and Transparency team conducted a conference call with researchers on Friday to express their regret for the blunder. Some of the researchers questioned if the error has made on purpose in order to undermine the research. Or whether it was simply an incident of carelessness.

Initially found by a researcher at Italy’s University of Urbino. Who compared a report Facebook posted publicly in August with data Facebook had supplied only to the researchers. The error in the data has later uncovered by others. According to the New York Times, the data sets did not line up.

Despite the fact that Facebook did not immediately respond to a request for comment. On Saturday, a spokesperson stated that the mistake was the result of a technical error. And that the company “proactively informed impacted partners about the error and is working swiftly to resolve” it.

Researchers Report

Earlier this month, the University of Urbino researcher used a report from August 18th to make his comparison. The report, which has released in the name of “transparency,” showed the most popular content in Facebook’s public News Feed between April and June of this year, the company’s second quarter. The New York Times, on the other hand, revealed that Facebook had shelved a report about its first quarter that painted the business in a far less favorable light. The report that had been postponed was finally made public by Facebook.

In addition, Facebook barred academic researchers from New York University’s Ad Observatory project from using its platform. In August after the group’s Ad Observer browser plug-in identified issues. According to the findings of its investigation, Facebook neglected to reveal who had paid for some political advertisements on its platform.

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Published in Lahore Herald #Facebook, #FacebookAllegedlyCheated, #FacebookCheatedResearchers, #FacebookMisinformedResearchers, #FacebookUpdate Published in Lahore Herald

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