Lahore Herald
1 min readJul 19, 2021

Maryam Nawaz said that Nawaz sacrificed his government for People’s rule

Azad Jammu and Kashmir in Kahuta, Pakistan’s Muslim League-Navaz (PML-N) Vice Chairman Maryam Nawaz, claimed his party was still winning elections one by one across the nation, despite its former Premier and PML-N Supremo Nawaz Sharif residing in London.

In the context of a campaign to hold elections to the state assembly, the PML-N leader spoke in Forward Kahuta on July 25, stating that its father, Nawaz Sharif, sacrificed even his administration to rule the people of that nation.

She asked people not to sit at their houses on 25 July but to come and vote for the PML-N candidates in huge numbers directly to the voting places.

The Vice-Chairman of the PML-N told everyone present not only to cast their votes but also to watch for suspect elements to ensure that nobody could steal its mandate from the party.

Nawaz had won elections for the AJK, she said. Maryam remarked, as she spoke of the forces she believes to be responsible for bringing Pakistan to power, Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI).

Published in Lahore Herald #AzadJammuKashmirElectionCommission, #MaryamNawaz, #MaryamNawazKahuta, #MaryamNawazSharif, #NawazSharif, #Pti Published in Lahore Herald

Lahore Herald

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