Lahore Herald
Jul 19, 2021

Saudis who wish to travel must get two Covid jabs: ministry

A Saudi citizen will be needed to take two doses of coronavirus starting next month to travel outside the country, tightening up current safeguards, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

The minister said in a statement of the SPA news agency: “The 2nd dosage of Covid vaccination is to be a prerequisite for all residents travelling overseas from 9 August 2021.

Former Covid patients receiving one vaccination dosage will be excluded from the treatment for children under 12 years, patients who have an approved health insurance, coronavirus recovery within the previous six months.

Vaccines will be obligatory for public and private space, including public transport, from August forward, officials announced in May. Only one dosage was needed at this time for foreign travel.

Published in Lahore Herald #Abroad, #SaudisCovidJabs Published in Lahore Herald

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