Lahore Herald
Jul 6, 2021


Shahbaz Shirgi, Aima Baig, unveil their date of marriage

Shahbaz Shigri and Aima Baig have their wedding arrangements with the supporters. At a recent award event with her beautiful vocalist, who announced her commitment to actor Shahbaz Shigri earlier this year.

The pair laughing and reluctantly answering “Insha’Allah until the end of the 2021” when asked when the couple will be married.

For the occasion, a silk gown was put on by Aima Baig, whilst Shahbaz Shigri appeared like a darts man in a black suit coupled with a red tie.

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Published in Lahore Herald #AimaBaig, #ShahbazShirgi, #ShahbazShirgiAimaBaigMarriageDate Published in Lahore Herald



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