Lahore Herald
1 min readJul 31, 2021

Sindh Government lifts the restriction on pillion riding during the lockdown

According to spokesman Murtaza Wahab, the Sindh Government overturned the prohibition on driving in a pillion and eliminated the two individuals by car limit.

On a news conference on Saturday he stated it was decided to guarantee that as many individuals as possible receive the dangerous coronavirus vaccination. “People should leave their homes solely in order to be immunised during lockdown.”

Wahab said certain judgments had been reversed by the government.

  • Milk stores and bakers are now open till 12 noon.
  • There will be public transit to and from immunisation centres.
  • Minibusses for immunisation are planned by the government.
  • Organizations with 100% immunised staff may remain open.
  • Shops operating behind closed shutters for 30 days to be sealed.
  • People on the road are questioned for their vaccination cards and CNICs.

Published in Lahore Herald #MurtazaWahab, #PillionRidingSindh, #SindhGovernment Published in Lahore Herald

Lahore Herald

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