Lahore Herald
2 min readOct 11, 2021


Take A Break On Instagram!

Social media is a terrific way to keep up with friends and family while also keeping up with what’s going on in the rest of the world. But it can also be detrimental to one’s mental health at times. The reason for this is that some people become fascinated with social media. And begin comparing themselves to what they see on the internet, which does not necessarily reflect the complete picture. But now Instagram is introducing a new feature which will ask the teenagers to take a break whenever a teenager will spend excessive time on Instagram.
This excessive attachment can be harmful, particularly for users who are younger and more impressionable. Thus, Facebook has implemented a reminder tool for its teen users, in which they will have reminded. Just to take a break from social media every now and again in order to improve their mental wellbeing.

“We’re going to introduce something that I believe will make a significant difference,” said Nick Clegg, vice president of global affairs at Facebook and former deputy prime minister of the United Kingdom, in an interview with CNN. Our algorithms will urge teens to look at different stuff if they observe themselves looking at the same thing again. And it’s content that may not be helpful to their well-being.

Although the firm did not specify when the function would be available. It is possible that it will be something to look forward to in the foreseeable future. Companies such as Apple and Google already offer services that are somewhat similar to this one. Such as the ability to display users how much time they spend on specific apps and the ability to put time restrictions on apps and be informed when their time is up.

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Published in Lahore Herald #Instagram, #InstagramNewFeature, #InstagramNewFeatureForTeenagers, #TakeABreakOnInstagram Published in Lahore Herald



Lahore Herald

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