Lahore Herald
2 min readSep 23, 2021


YouTube Tests Saving Videos To Desktop For Premium Subscribers

A benefit of being a YouTube Premium subscriber is the ability of saving videos to desktop for later viewing while not connected to the internet. Unfortunately, this particular reward is only available through the YouTube mobile app on iOS and Android devices. So desktop users will continue to enjoy all of the other perks and services available to them, with the exception of this one.

However, this could change in the near future. As of now, it appears as though YouTube is currently testing a new feature for customer. This feature Youtube allows for the saving videos for offline viewing on desktop PCs. As it turns out, this is rather useful, and the videos will remain downloaded and viewable offline. As long as your computer has an active internet connection at least once every 30 days. So unless you plan on being away for more than a month, this should not be a problem.

The YouTube website indicates that this function will be available just until the 19th of October. Which appears to be a limited time period. According to our previous statement, this is a test, and the test has planned to be completed in a little less than a month. If everything goes smoothly, it should eventually made available to all Premium users.

Additionally, YouTube specifies that the feature will only operate in browsers such as Chrome, Edge, or Opera, among others. The browsers Firefox and Safari have not mentioned. So if you’re using one of those two browsers, you’re out of luck for the time being.

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Published in Lahore Herald #HowToDownloadYoutubeVideos, #YoutubePremiumSubscribers, #YoutubeSavingVideosToDesktop, #YoutubeSubscription, #YoutubeUpdate Published in Lahore Herald



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